"Heaven's Gift" and "Following the Leader" have been excepted in an art exhibit here in the East Valley. I dropped the signed prints off today. I wish that the gallery was closer to my house, I would love to have my kids do art and music lessons there. They also have an "Open Mic Night" on the weekend...It's really cute with the cafe and all. They are going to be having an opening night this friday. I wish I could be there for it, other commitments made before I knew I was going to have my work in it. They are having the show exhibited before the "Open Mic Night" so head on out for a great night. The address and info is on the flier. Just click on it.

It amazes me to see the prints large and framed. Even though I look at them on my computer screen all the time...it is so different seeing them large(24"x36"), signed and in frames..."Heaven's Gift" literally took my breath away. I had it printed on this amazing art paper that just made the blacks and grays pop out at you, but at the same time it has such an calming soft effect on you when you look at it. You have got to see it in real life.
ABOUT: A little about this shot.
This shot is of my little newborn baby boy Santi (Stephen Santiago Robson, named after his grandfathers and daddy) I took it of him when he was 2 hours old. I feel I need to clarify a few things here. I know that some people have heard some crazy story that I took the picture myself after giving birth to him...yes,the story is TRUE.:) Santi was an At-home, waterbirth, hypno-birthing baby...can I say that all in one breath? Barely. In the future I would love to find a way to educate women on alternative options to child birth. Just so that as women we are educated on what is out there. I had such amazing experiences with both my births being done with these methods, I would love to spread the knowledge.
So I decided one way I could do that was when Santi was born I wanted to take picture of him at an hour old. It ended up being 2 hours but that works too. Yes, you heard right, I actually shot this photograph. People think that I am crazy, but I felt great, couldn't even sleep that night I had so much energy. I asked Jason (plays Christ) to be on stand by for when ever Santi wanted to be born. I needed Jason to come over to do the shot literally within an hour or so of birth. Poor guy ended up at my house shortly after midnight. By the time we me taken care of and Santi, got the lights set up and did the shot it was 3 am. What a sport. Good thing he is a long time friend and I can bully him around a bit.:) I left a foot of Santi's cord on for the shot, and even though I knew it was totally grossing Jason out, with it touching his hand and everything...Jas was amazing cause you couldn't tell he was gagging inside. If you only knew the stuff we photographers put our models though to get "The Shot".

This next shot...WOW how the colors pop when it is printed on paper. I have people curious why I have Christ's top part of his body cropped off. To tell you the truth, when I go the inspiration for the shot, I was laying in bed just about to fall asleep and that is the way I saw the shot. For some reason it is how God gave it to me. He has a reason I guess one of these days I will know why, but I actually like it that way. Although the look on Christ's face without it being cropped is soooo cute it is so tempting to have both versions available. One with the whole body and one without. I am also debating on changing the title from "Following the Leader" to "Come Follow Me" Im really leaning towards the second.